God’s Word takes root, grows, and produces fruit if it is planted in good soil. “Welcome” prepares the soil of peoples’ hearts to receive God’s Word through radical hospitality, a rich community life where everyone can feel at home and belong, bringing all those on the many peripheries of the church to the center as honored guests and families.


“Welcome to St. Michael! How may I help you?” St. Michael has always been known for its friendly parishioners. Become a part of the “angels” that greet people during the week. If you are a stay-at-home mom or a retired person, we are looking for people to be in the office on weekday mornings to answer phones and greet people at the door to make them feel welcome. There may be times when you can help with a small project also.
Contact Sally Amatucci if you are interested.

The mission of the Funeral Lunch Ministry is to offer/provide a free will donation luncheon of a pre-set menu for grieving families and their friends at this time of loss.
The ministry is always in need of ministers/assistance or if a current ministry would like to help in another position please contact us. Parishioners from St. Michael parish who can give their time and help are needed in the following areas:
  • Ministers who are Food Callers, who call the volunteers who wish to donate food to the funeral.
  • Ministers who prepare food for delivery to the church.
  • Ministers who help set up the hall the morning of the funeral.
  • Serving Ministers who come to help receive the food prior to the funeral and to set out the food for the luncheon.
  • Ministers who help cleanup the hall after the funeral.

If you have some time to volunteer for this ministry, EVEN IT IS ONLY FOR 1 HOUR, we welcome your help; there are never too many volunteers.

Please contact the funeral committee chairs: Kathy Brossart 301-829-6924 or Amy Myers 443-340-4996  for more information or to volunteer. This is a ministry that is very appreciated by the families and we all will need one day in one form or the other.



Every 4th Tuesday, our OWLS meet at the Twin Arch Tavern in Mt Airy at 11:30am to dine and socialize! Cost is $21 per person. Contact Lynn Butler 301-377-2080 to join our OWLS at monthly brunch!

Welcome to St. Michael Preschool! Unfortunately, we are FULL for the 2024-25 school year! We are a licensed child care center operating as a ministry of St. Michael Church. We offer part-time and full-time programs for children ages 3 and 4.

Our Preschool

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