Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday 4:00 pm – 4:30 pm and by appointment.
Washed clean by baptism, we return to the Father to ask forgiveness, because our Father continually invites us to become perfect! What amazing love! The Holy Spirit works inside us to bring us to ever deeper conversion, until our hearts are made like Jesus’ own heart. When we are drawn to penance and reconciliation, we ask God’s forgiveness.
Jesus gave His apostles the power to forgive sins (Mt. 16:19). Our priests today are spiritual descendants of the Apostles. With these words, we know that we are forgiven.
“God, the Father of mercies, through the death and the resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (the priest’s formula of absolution)
Through this sacrament, we reconcile ourselves with God and with His Church. We also receive actual grace to resist temptations in the future! Our sins are forgiven, and our consciences are at peace.
If you haven’t felt called to receive this sacrament recently, come and experience that wonderful peace, especially if you are about to prepare your child for First Reconciliation. God is calling you!
Contact the Pastor to schedule reconciliation
First Reconciliation is a requirement for receiving First Eucharist. It occurs as early as age 7 (Second Grade), the age canonically recognized as the age of reason. Children must be baptized, attending Mass on Sunday (or Saturday night), and attending Religious Education classes. Sacramental preparation books are sent home for you to read through with your child.
We use Dynamic Catholic’s “Blessed” series, which includes free videos for you to enjoy at home. Click here for the videos that support the textbook: You will turn in the First Reconciliation textbook at your child’s First Reconciliation in the winter, and we will return it to you at the parent meeting for First Eucharist.
Contact the Administrative Assistant for Faith Formation with questions.