Acting in faithful witness to the Gospel, the Pastoral Council provides the pastor with recommendations and insight into the spiritual and corporal needs of the parish.

Living in faithful witness to the Gospel, members of the Pastoral Council labor collaboratively to support Mission areas that are channels of the Holy Spirit working in our midst.

Additionally, the Council:

  • Helps develop the strategic direction of the parish
  • Advises the pastor on ways to achieve the goals of the parish
  • Supports parish staff and council committees



The council membership consists of voting and non-voting members. Voting members are made up of the following:

  • Up to 12 members who are elected by the parish or appointed by the pastor. Terms run for three years every year,
  • 4 members leave and 4 new ones are elected or appointed
  • the permanent deacon(s)

Non-Voting members include the following:

  • the pastor
  • all professional staff members, such as the business manager, director of religious education, administrator of religious education, the coordinator for youth and young adult ministry, and the director of music and liturgy.



Mission Area Leadership

Liturgy Committee
Alyssa Smith, Pastoral Council Leader
Open Position, Key Support
Liturgy Committee Minutes November 24, 2020

Evangelization Committee
David James, Pastoral Council Leader
Ted Burkhardt Staff Leader
Rev. Mr. Harbey Santiago, Deacon, Key Support

Evangelization Committee Meeting March 11, 2020
May 2020 Committee Meeting Cancelled
June 2020 Committee Meeting Cancelled
July 2020 Committee Meeting Cancelled
Evangelization Committee Minutes August 17, 2020
Evangelization Committee Report October 1, 2020

Formation Committee
OPEN, Pastoral Council Lead
Ted Burkhardt, Staff Leader (Pastoral Assistant)

Formation Comm Minutes 6-23-20
Formation Comm Minutes 7-21-20

Service / Justice Committee
OPEN, Pastoral Council Lead
Laura Heck, Pastoral Council, Key Support
Melissa Gallagher, Pastoral Council, Key Support


Stewardship Committee
Open Position, Pastoral Council Lead
Donna Binney, Staff Leader
Open Position, Pastoral Council, Key Support

Council Members
Chuck Young, Presider, Appointed, voting
Alyssa Smith, Appointed, voting
Melissa Gallagher, Elected, voting
Tricia Buckman, Elected, voting
Laura Heck, Elected, voting
David James, Elected, voting
Carolyn Pasquino, Elected, voting
Rebecca Steppling, Elected, voting
Rev. Mr. Harbey Santiago, Automatic, Deacon, voting
Rev. Mr. Cliff Britton, Automatic, Deacon, voting
Rev. Mike Ruane, Automatic, Pastor, non-voting
Donna Binney, Automatic, Staff, non-voting
Ted Burkhardt, Automatic, Staff, non-voting



The standing committees of the council are Liturgy, Evangelization, Education, Service/Justice, Respect Life, Social/Hospitality, Finance, Maintenance, Parish Development, and Technology. Current ad hoc committees consist of the Building Committee.



Any person, who will have attained the age of 16 by the date of election and is a registered member of the parish, is eligible to run for election to council membership. Elections are held annually on the third weekend of September.

Meetings are held eleven times a year — the first Wednesday of each month except July — in the church hall at 7:00 PM. Meetings are open and all parishioners are welcome and encouraged to attend. At the October meeting, council members elect (for a one-year term) the following officers: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Corresponding Secretary.

2019 Meeting Minutes
Pastoral Council Minutes January 2, 2019 
Pastoral Council Minutes March 7, 2019 
Pastoral Council Minutes April 3, 2019 
Pastoral Council Minutes May 1, 2019
Pastoral Council Minutes August 7, 2019
Pastoral Council Minutes September 4, 2019

2020 Meeting Minutes
January 2020 Meeting Cancelled
Pastoral Council February 10, 2020
Pastoral Council March 4, 2020
April 2020 Meeting Cancelled
Pastoral Council Minutes May 6, 2020
Pastoral Council June 3, 2020
July 2020 Meeting Cancelled
Pastoral Council Minutes August 5, 2020
Pastoral Council Minutes September 2, 2020
Pastoral Council October 7, 2020 
Pastoral Council Minutes November 4, 2020
Pastoral Council Minutes December 2, 2020

2021 Meeting Minutes
Pastoral Council Minutes January 6, 2021 
Pastoral Council Minutes February 3, 2021

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