Here at St. Michael Poplar Springs, all members are encouraged to be active participants in the Mass each week, as we are all called to “active, conscious participation” in the celebration of Mass.

The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium), para. 14: “Mother Church earnestly desires that all the faithful should be led to that fully conscious and active participation in liturgical celebrations which is demanded by the very nature of the liturgy…”

Those wishing to become more involved may choose a liturgical ministry to pursue. Liturgical ministers serve the parish community through their role in supporting the clergy so that all ministries are covered at each weekend Mass without anyone taking on more than one role at a Mass.

A person serves in only one ministry at each Mass. Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (Sacrosanctum Concilium), para. 28: “In liturgical celebrations each person, minister or layman, who has an office to perform, should do all of, but only, those parts which pertain to his office by the nature of the rite and the principles of the liturgy.”


Altar Servers provide an invaluable service to the celebration of liturgy at St. Michael Poplar Springs. Assisting the priest (and deacon) at the altar, their work helps everything to work smoothly and frees the priest (and deacon) to concentrate on their own responsibilities during the Mass.

Those who have received their First Communion are eligible to pursue the ministry of Altar Server. Boys and girls of all ages are welcome! Those who serve are encouraged to participate in the ministry through high school, if they wish. Those students, young and old are welcome to go through the training to join the ministry.

At present, adults (men and women) are welcome to join SAS (Senior Altar Servers) to assist for liturgies where the student altar servers are unable to be scheduled (due to vacation schedules in the summer, day time holy day Masses, and other times when servers are needed).

Training is offered in the summer, fall and spring. Two sessions are required, after which newly trained servers are scheduled to serve with experienced servers several times before choosing their own server times. ALL SERVERS are required to attend one “refresher” session each year they continue in the ministry.

TIME COMMITMENT: Arrive 15 minutes before scheduled Mass to sign in, vest and prepare yourself to take on this role during the Mass.

Remain after Mass to put assist in carrying the vessels from the credence table to the sacristy, if needed, and to hang up (or leave for laundering) your vestments.

TRAINING (students): Initial Altar Server training of TWO one-hour sessions.

Attendance at the “refresher” every year of ministry is required.

TRAINING (SAS): Initial Altar Server training of a single one-hour session.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new adult liturgical ministers)

Attendance at the annual Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Updates will be conveyed individually.

VIRTUS (SAS): As with all liturgical ministries, our adult Altar Servers are VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Beth Hogg, Coordinator of Altar Servers, [email protected]


SAS CONTACT PERSON: Patricia Campbell, Director of Liturgy and Music, [email protected]


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) assist the ordained ministers (priests, deacons) to distribute the Body of Christ and the Precious Blood to the community of St. Michael Poplar Springs.

To serve in this ministry one must be a fully initiated and practicing Roman Catholic in good standing. Those who serve the parish in this capacity are commissioned during Mass on the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ and are approved to serve only in the parish of St. Michael Poplar Springs.

Serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion is a great privilege and is also a humbling experience. Many express concern that they “are not worthy” to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to their fellow parishioners. The truth is that we are only worthy by the grace offered to us by our Loving Savior. All fall short of the glory of God, but all are encouraged to take an active role in sharing the Body and Blood of Christ with the “Body of Christ.”

Through the efforts of these extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, St. Michael Poplar Springs can welcome all present to the Table and share with them the food that sustains us all. Accepting the invitation to serve in this amazing ministry allows one to grow ever closer to the Lord and his presence in the Eucharist, while drawing others into the bond of love as we all “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.”


  • Arrive 20 minutes before scheduled Mass to sign in, check your location assignment and prepare yourself to take on this role during the Mass.
  • Remain after Mass to assist in carrying the vessels from the credence table to the sacristy.
  • It may be necessary to assist the sacristan in checking the purification of vessels and setting up for the next Mass. This could take an additional 15 minutes after Mass.

TRAINING: Initial Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion-specific training – 30 minutes.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new liturgical ministers)

Annual attendance at the Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Attendance at the “refresher” every year of ministry is required.

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our lectors are all VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: John Sotak, Coordinator of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, [email protected]


Lectors at St. Michael Poplar Springs proclaim the Word of God at Mass. According to the ancient tradition and the teaching of the Church, the readings other than the Gospel are proclaimed by lay ministers.

Lectors are fully-initiated Catholics who are properly trained for their ministry, whose lives witness to the Word which they proclaim. Here at St. Michael Poplar Springs we have two lectors at each Mass – one for each reading.

The Universal Prayer (Prayer of the Faithful) is part of the Liturgy of the Word. When no deacon is present, the lector (or, if they are to be sung, the cantor) announces the intentions from the ambo.

All lectors join in the procession that begins Mass. In a Mass without a deacon, one of the lectors solemnly carries the Book of Gospels slightly elevated, (with the book facing forward), placing the Book of Gospels in the stand on the altar (facing the assembly).

All lectors join in the procession out of the church, but no books are carried when processing out after Mass. The lectors move the Book of Gospels and the Lectionary back to their places in the library after Mass concludes so that these materials are ready for the next Mass.

TIME COMMITMENT: Arrive 20 minutes before scheduled Mass to locate the Lectionary, find out who is to carry the Book of Gospels and to be sure the other lector is present.

Remain after Mass to put the books back in the library.

Practice, preparation, rehearsal of the reading throughout the week – one to two hours.

TRAINING: Initial Lector-specific training – 30 minutes.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new liturgical ministers)

Annual attendance at the Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Attendance at the “refresher” every year of ministry.

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our lectors are all VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Alyssa Smith, Coordinator of Lectors, [email protected]


The Altar Linen Care Ministry is a wonderful ministry in the parish because it maintains the sacred linens used during the celebration of the Mass. Seemingly ordinary and simple, the ministry’s role is vital in the preparation and celebration of the sacred mysteries. It is a prayerful and contemplative act of service for Jesus Christ!

From the US Conference of Catholic Bishops on Divine Worship: “The manner in which we treat sacred things fosters and expresses our openness to the graces God gives to his Church in every celebration of the Eucharist. Thus, by the diligent care of altar linens, the Church expresses her joy at the inestimable gifts she receives from Christ’s altar.”

Members are responsible for the altar linens on a rotating basis

  • picking up,
  • washing,
  • ironing,
  • folding,
  • returning

New members are always welcome! Training is provided due to the altar linens’ sacred nature. Please contact the parish office at (732) 329-2893.

TIME COMMITMENT: One and a half to two hours to every few weeks. Be able to allow a longer time following crowded Holy Day celebrations with high attendance, such as Christmas, Holy Thursday, Easter, etc.

Usually responsible for linens one weekend a month.

TRAINING: Initial sacristan training of a single one-hour session, followed by helping an existing sacristan for one or two Masses.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new adult liturgical ministers)

Attendance at the annual Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Updates will be conveyed individually.

VIRTUS: It is not necessary to be VIRTUS trained as a linen care minister, but is encouraged.

CONTACT PERSON: Sally Amatucci, Parish Secretary, [email protected]


Liturgical Arts is a team of people who enhance worship through the use of art and design. They choose how to achieve this by use of banners, hangings, floral arrangements, and other seasonal decorations which honor the sacred space.

Their responsibilities include:

  • Decorating church and chapel for liturgical seasons and special occasions
  • Ensuring the worship space is beautiful, hospitable, and correctly adorned
  • Encouraging active participation from all
  • Recommending liturgical furnishings, as needed

The committee may hold meetings to discuss upcoming seasons and liturgical art needs. The volunteers who assist with the adorning of the space schedule their work around the use of the spaces and keep in mind any assistance that might be needed from the parish facilities manager.

Have the following spiritual dispositions and/or willingness to work to develop them: humility, radical hospitality, gratitude and reverence.

TIME COMMITMENT: Approximately two hours needed when seasons are changing (Advent, Lent) or there is special set up for fall, All Souls, Thanksgiving.

More time is needed for Christmas, which includes work in the multi-purpose room and the Fellowship Hall. The Triduum requires at least two hours prior to Holy Thursday and then again on Holy Saturday morning to prepare for Easter Vigil and Easter Time.

TRAINING: Initial Liturgical Arts training is done by way of conversation with the contact person.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new adult liturgical ministers). We encourage members of the Liturgical Arts team to approach this like any other liturgical ministry.

Attendance at the annual Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Updates will be conveyed individually.

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our sacristans are VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Sara Caporaletti, Coordinator of Liturgical Arts, [email protected]


Sacristans at St. Michael Poplar Springs fill a vital role in the celebration of the Mass. These people are specially trained to see the entire picture of what is involved in the celebration and they have a great love of the celebration of the liturgy, as well as a devotion to the Eucharist

Sacristans make sure the priest who presides has what he needs. They oversee the setting up of the credence table so that altar servers are able to perform their duties during Mass. They are responsible after the Mass for making sure the vessels have been properly purified before being washed. They are the ones who have to see the big picture yet monitor that the individual parts are under control.

Under the direction of the Director of Liturgy and Music, the sacristan undertakes the overall preparation for liturgical celebrations. Specific duties include:

  • Preparing the Holy Eucharist for the celebration of the Mass.
  • Setting up the altar, the credence table, and checking that the Lectionary and Book of Gospels are in their proper places before the Mass.
  • Assisting the altar servers and other liturgical ministers with directions or questions. Sacristans ensure that all liturgical positions are filled for the Mass.
  • Preparing for the next Mass or putting cleaned and dried vessels away before leaving the church.

TIME COMMITMENT: Have one and a half to two hours to give to the celebration of each assigned Mass. Be able to allow a longer time if the set-up is for a special liturgy such as Christmas, Holy Thursday, Easter, etc.

Remain after Mass to be sure everything is in its proper place.

Responsible for covering two Masses a month.

TRAINING: Initial sacristan training of a single one-hour session, followed by helping an existing sacristan for one or two Masses.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new adult liturgical ministers)

Attendance at the annual Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Updates will be conveyed individually.

Stay up to date with training needed for their first liturgical ministry (EMHC)

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our sacristans are VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Patricia Campbell, Director of Liturgy and Music, [email protected]


The Stream Team at St. Michael Poplar Springs makes it possible for our homebound parishioners – and those far away – to view the 10:30 Mass each Sunday morning on our parish web-site (www.SMPSChurch.org). The team also live streams other Masses and services as requested by the pastor. Team members also make themselves available when possible to live stream funerals or weddings, at the request of the family.

Our Chad Heupel Studio is usually monitored and controlled by 2 to 3 Stream Team members. The studio includes several cameras, so Stream Team members are trained in camera operation as well as sound monitoring and, when ready, directing.

The Stream Team includes people of all ages and with varying experience, having discovered that students are often the ones who have the easiest time learning the basics. An adult is always part of the team.

TIME COMMITMENT: Arrive 20 to 30 minutes before scheduled Mass to be sure all is set to begin with any prelude music. Making sure sound is on in the Fellowship Hall and checking in with the priest are part of what needs to be done before the Live Stream begins.

Remain after Mass to be sure everything is in its proper place and all electronics are shut down.

TRAINING: Initial Stream Team training of a single one-hour session, followed by helping an existing team for one Mass.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new adult liturgical ministers)

Attendance at the annual Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

Updates will be conveyed individually.

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our Stream Team adults are VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Steve Campbell, Coordinator of Stream Team, [email protected]


Ushers at St. Michael Poplar Springs offer a personal welcome to each person who enters the narthex. This ministry has long been the backbone of support for worshipers, having been serving Catholic parishes for centuries! Here at St. Michael no ushers have been here that long (!) and none are stuck in a role that directs people, but does not engage them.

Ushers need to arrive 30 minutes before their scheduled Mass to check in and pick up their ID badge so they can begin to welcome those who arrive early for Mass. They assist Mass attendees to find a seat, to find their way into a line for Holy Communion, and are also trained to provide direction and assistance in case of a medical emergency or safety concern. An usher at the 10:30 Mass also assists the Children’s Liturgy of the Word participants to go from the church to their presentation area and to return to the church by the time the Universal Prayer is completed.

Our ushers are both hosts and housekeepers for the Lord, ensuring that the Lord’s House is in proper order before, during, and after Mass. This is a great opportunity for friendly and helpful parishioners who are willing to direct people and to serve those who are new to the community. It is our hope that all members of the St. Michael Poplar Springs parish community will consider participating in this ministry.

TIME COMMITMENT: Arrive 30 minutes before scheduled Mass

Remain 15 minutes after scheduled Mass.

TRAINING: Initial Usher-specific training – 30 minutes.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new liturgical ministers)

Annual attendance at the Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our ushers are all VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Mike Ament, Coordinator of Usher Ministry, [email protected]


Each of our liturgical ministries has a person in charge of overseeing the scheduling of their ministry. They also field questions and concerns, taking them to pastor or to the Director of Liturgy and Music. They assist the DLM in training and preparing the ministers in their area. This includes…

  • Altar Servers
  • Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
  • Lectors
  • Ushers

The ministry coordinator helps to recruit future volunteers and assists liturgical ministers when illness or advanced age require them to step aside. The coordinator will help to find other ministries in which the “retiring” minister can participate in order to continue their service of God and their connection to the parish family.

Under the direction of the Director of Liturgy and Music, the Ministry Coordinator assists all involved in ministry to understand their role and the importance of serving the parish in ministry, rather than simply volunteering their time and talent.

Specific duties include:

  • Being familiar and comfortable with Ministry Scheduler Pro (the parish scheduling program).
  • Use of a computer or tablet at home.
  • Being patient in assisting ministers to use MSP and, short of being able to help them feel comfortable with the program, keeping all ministers aware of what to do to be appropriately scheduled and sending them a final schedule in a form they can use.
  • Improving communication between individual ministers and the DLM.
  • Encouraging early sign up for special celebrations and the busy Christmas and Triduum liturgies.

TIME COMMITMENT: Have one and a half to two hours to give to the scheduling – once every three months.

Up to one hour each week away from the church communicating with ministry members, including sending updates for upcoming schedules and needs.

Serving on the parish Liturgy Committee – one and one-half hour meeting eight months of the year (Tuesdays from 7 – 8:30 p.m.)

TRAINING: Initial training beyond the training as a minister involves an hour with the DLM.

CONTACT PERSON: Patricia Campbell, Director of Liturgy and Music, [email protected]


These people assist the priest at each baptism taking place during a Mass. They welcome the family and make sure that all the needed components – and people – are in place.

The Baptismal Rite Assistants sign up to assist at baptisms according to their family’s schedule. Baptisms are scheduled at least two weeks in advance, so there is time to find a Baptismal Rite Assistant who is available for the Mass.

Baptismal Rite Assistants extend welcome on behalf of St. Michael Poplar Springs as they help to make a child’s baptism a wonderful celebration of initiation into God’s family.

TIME COMMITMENT: Arrive 30 minutes before scheduled Mass

Remain 15 to 30 minutes after scheduled Mass.

TRAINING: Initial Baptismal Rite-specific training with the pastor or Director of Liturgy and Music – one hour.

Shadowing an experienced Baptismal Rite Assistant once before doing it on one’s own – two hours.

Initial Liturgical Ministry Formation – one hour (for all new liturgical ministers)

Annual attendance at the Liturgical Ministry Retreat is strongly encouraged.

VIRTUS: As with all liturgical ministries, our Baptismal Rite Assistants are all VIRTUS trained.

CONTACT PERSON: Patricia Campbell, Director of Liturgy and Music, [email protected]

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