LifeTeen (High School Ministry) at St. Michael’s provides year-round opportunities for youth engagement in the Parish. The program is designed for 9th to 12th graders and aims to lead teens closer to Christ through personal encounters.
Confirmation Preparation

Confirmation Preparation is a two-year process beginning as early as 9th Grade (Year 1) and ending with Confirmation as early as 10th Grade (Year 2).

Confirmation Handbook 2024-25

Other Confirmation Forms:


NOTE: If you attend a Catholic High School, you will still have to complete the 2-year program.

Summer Opportunities
Parish Pathways
Youth are encouraged to pick a parish pathway whenever they feel ready. Options for middle schoolers include altar servers, scouts, and Vacation Bible School.

If you need service hours, follow us on Instagram to find out about new opportunities.

Currently recruiting for Leaders on Sunday and Wednesday.

If you can volunteer or have any questions, please email the Administrative Assistant for Faith Formation.

Follow us on social media to get updates:


Contact the office about late registration.


2024-25 Faith Formation Handbook
Confirmation Handbook 2024-25
Lifeteen Schedule for 2024-2025
Permission & Waiver Form

Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers

3 John 1:2

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